'Other stuff'
I am beginning to realise that the purpose of my self-exploration is to show the way by being my authentic self. I believe this then ripples out and changes the energy around me. It is then up to people to follow their version of that way, the Tao. We are all capable of doing this, for some it is now, for others later.
I want to put something about spirituality because it is part of my life-long journey and is linked to self-exploration. I cannot explore the God without, without looking at the God within. Except God has so many givens and connotations that I find the word difficult and find none of the other words, eg Source, any more helpful in conveying what I mean. It is the sense of the other, the greater force in the world and universe that may be just one, or many, or many in One.
The most important issue around for me at the moment is that things are changing fast. For some this change is very scary but it doesn't have to be, things will just be different. However we don't really know this means and how it will all turn out. All we can be certain of is what is happening right now. I am struck that we are lead to believe that the society we live in revolves around fear. If you believe this then it can promote fear within. It is purely an illusion and a self-fulfilling prophesy. If we are gentle with ourselves and others then this quiet knowing will radiate too.